Health is Wealth: Mental Health Edition

Health is Wealth: Mental Health Edition

Reflecting on our impactful event!

At The Covenant Apparel, we believe that true wealth goes beyond material possessions. It encompasses the well-being of both the body and the mind. Earlier this year, we joined with the community to explore the depths of mental health and the event was nothing short of remarkable. Join us as we take a closer look at our “Health is Wealth: Mental Health Edition” event, a powerful initiative aimed at raising awareness and providing access to essential mental health resources.

Breaking the Silence: It’s Okay Not to Be Okay

One of the key highlights of our event was the resounding message: “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay.” We wanted to break the stigma surrounding mental health by emphasizing that we all face struggles, and it’s perfectly normal to seek help when needed. Through insightful discussion, we encouraged attendees to open up about their own experiences and challenges. 

Expert Insights and Panel Discussions

To provide a well-rounded perspective, we invited a diverse panel of experts. We heard from professional therapists like Maryam Abdalto, community leaders like Talia Monget, mental health advocates—Morgan Edwards of Monday Mental Club, a mental health magazine, and Johnathan Davis of Black Men Vent Too Podcast. These various backgrounds coming together provide a deeper insights into the common myths and misconceptions about mental health.

Inspiring Performances

Music has the power to heal, and artist Jyou’s performance was a testament to that fact. With songs from his latest project, “Living on the Edge,” he connected with our audience on a deeply emotional level, reminding us that art can be a source of solace and strength.
Guest Speaker: Tyrese Hobbs on “My Mind is My Aide, Not My Leader”
Tyrese Hobbs, our esteemed guest speaker, delivered a profound message on taking control of our minds. His talk, “My Mind is My Aide, Not My Leader,” left us inspired and equipped with valuable insights on navigating the complexities of mental health while taking control of one’s mind versus being controlled by it.

Our Grateful Acknowledge:

None of this would have been possible without the support of our sponsors, who share our commitment to mental health awareness and community. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Johnathan & Leon Davis Jr. from BlackMenVentToo, Shamya Greene from Mya.Motives, Alexis Butler from the WithPurpose Foundation, and Jordan Young, Trey Gibson, and Myles Wilson with Inner Circle.

Thankful for all the support as we continue our journey to promote mental well-being. Let’s keep the conversation going, because true wealth begins with a healthy mind.